Watching State

The watch function lets you observe reactive state changes and run a callback when they occur.

Basic Usage

import { reactive, watch } from "quantajs";

const state = reactive({ count: 0 });

  () => state.count,
  (newValue) => console.log(`Count changed to: ${newValue}`),

state.count = 1; // Logs: "Count changed to: 1"
state.count = 2; // Logs: "Count changed to: 2"

Watching Complex State

You can watch derived values:

const state = reactive({ a: 1, b: 2 });

  () => state.a + state.b,
  (sum) => console.log(`Sum is now: ${sum}`),

state.a = 3; // Logs: "Sum is now: 5"
state.b = 4; // Logs: "Sum is now: 7"

Learn More

  • Combine with computed for reactive derivations.