Computed Values

The computed function creates reactive computed properties that automatically update when their dependencies change.

Basic Usage

import { reactive, computed } from "quantajs";

const state = reactive({ count: 1 });
const doubled = computed(() => state.count * 2);

console.log(doubled.value); // 2
state.count = 3;
console.log(doubled.value); // 6

Lazy Evaluation

Computed values are lazily evaluated and cached until their dependencies change:

const expensiveCalc = computed(() => {
  return state.count * 100;

console.log(expensiveCalc.value); // "Calculating..." then 300
console.log(expensiveCalc.value); // 300 (cached, no recalculation)
state.count = 4;
console.log(expensiveCalc.value); // "Calculating..." then 400

With Stores

Computed values integrate seamlessly with createStore:

import { createStore } from "quantajs";

const store = createStore({
  state: { count: 1 },
  getters: {
    doubled: (state) => state.count * 2,

console.log(store.doubled); // 2
store.count = 3;
console.log(store.doubled); // 6

Learn More

  • Track changes with watch.